Lee Adele Photography

Content Made Simple


Our Mission

To help business owners move from overwhelmed to excited about their content creation with simple ideas and beautiful visuals.

Our Why

Content creation is not all entertaining Tiktok dancing and YouTube vlogs, as fabulous as some of those creators are! It is also a valuable tool that businesses utilise to connect directly to their customers. Newsletters, blogs, articles, ebooks, webinars, websites and of course social media all rely on engaging visuals to enhance and promote their brand. That’s where we come in! No gimmicks, no complicated strategies and no pressure - just easy, simple ideas.

How can we help you with your content? Book a consulting call to find out. 🖤


Your business sees success in its content marketing efforts?

The State of Content Marketing for Small Business Survey 2022

“Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world.”